What are NicheD Recipes?

What are NicheD recipes?

 NicheD are a collection of recipes which are: N utritious I nexpensive C onvenient H ealthy E thical D elicious ... and are scored out of 1...

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Brown Soda Bread

A recepie we got from Marion F many years ago - simple and wonderful. Use good stoneground flour

Ingredients for 1 Loaf / 2 Loaves

340 / 680 gms         Stoneground Wholemeal Flour
110 / 220 gms         Plain White Flour
100 / 200 gms         Pinhead Oatmeal (can substitute flour)
2 / 4  level tsp         Bread Soda
500 / 1000 mls       Buttermilk
0.5 / 1 handful        Bran


Mix dry ingredients thoroughly and mix in the buttermilk.  The mixture is stiff but quite wet.

Oil tin(s) and pour in the mix. Optional - sprinkle with flour or sesame seeds or sunflower seeds (or seed can be sprinkled on bottom of tin before filling with mix)

Bake at 200C in pre-heated over for 1 hour (check near the end to ensure it doesn't burn)

Remove from tin(s) and cover with damp tea-towel while cooling (avoids crust being too hard)