What are NicheD Recipes?

What are NicheD recipes?

 NicheD are a collection of recipes which are: N utritious I nexpensive C onvenient H ealthy E thical D elicious ... and are scored out of 10.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Cucumber Neapolitana

Image result for cucumber neapolitana
THIS is a terrifically versatile Darina Allen vegetable dish which may be made ahead and which reheats well. It is also delicious served with rice or pasta, makes a great stuffing for tomatoes and is particularly good with roast lamb.

But Neapolitana?  A friend from Naples says it's unknown there.

Serves 6 approx

1 cucumber

15g butter

1 medium onion (110g approx), sliced

4 very ripe tomatoes (or a tin of tomatoes)

salt and freshly ground pepper

60ml cream or creme frais

1 dessertspoon freshly chopped mint

roux (optional)

Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan. When it foams, add the onion. Cover and sweat for about five minutes until soft but not coloured.

Meanwhile, peel the cucumber and cut into 1cm cubes. Add to the onions, toss well and continue to cook while you scald the tomatoes with water for 10 seconds.

Peel the tomatoes and slice into the casserole, season with salt, freshly ground pepper and a pinch of sugar.

Cover the casserole and cook for a few minutes until the cucumbers are tender and the tomatoes have softened. Add the cream and bring back to the boil.

Add the freshly chopped mint.

If the liquid is very thin, thicken it by carefully whisking in a little roux.

Cucumber neapolitana keeps for several days and may be reheated.